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Veneering An Exterior Door. Finishing or painting a veneered exterior door. Using a peel and stick red oak veneer for an exterior door

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Hi Bob Morgan,

we need to replace two exterior door veneers that are peeling and beyond repair. Wondering what veneer product you would recommend? Would the thickness of the previous veneer matter? We may end up painting the veneer - so I was thinking either red oak if we use an exterior urethane or something maple equivalent if we paint.

And do you recommend Titebond 3 for adhering the veneer?

Wood Veneer Factory Outlet.com

Hi James,

Titebond 3 is a great choice, and probably one of the best all around choices for exterior projects.  However, unless you have a way to clamp the surface all over everywhere, such as a vacuum bag, it won't be possible to use this.

Your next choice would be to  go with our 2 ply wood backed peel and stick veneer. Be sure to prep the surface as described in my videos and tutorials.

Having said that - I cannot guarantee how the 2 ply wood backed peel and stick veneer will hold up in an exterior area.  It depends on lots of factors, humidity, temperature, sun exposure, exposure to rain, finish.  You are in no man's land.
Thickness won't matter unless the door is so tight that it would crimp the veneer.   If so, you could go with the paper backed peel and stick veneer, but the paper backed wouldn't be my first choice.  
Yes, Red Oak veneer is a good choice for your doors if you put a finish on it.    The maple veneer is your best choice if you will paint it.
Regards, Bob Morgan 